Similar to an array, tuple is also an ordered set of elements. Tuples work in almost the same way as arrays but there are following important differences between them −
An array is represented by square brackets whereas a tuple is represented by parentheses and commas.
Tuples are immutable.
Creating tuples
We can create tuples as arrays and most of the array’s functions can be used on tuples also. Some of the example are given below −
julia> tupl=(5,10,15,20,25,30)(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30)julia> tupl(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30)julia> tupl[3:end](15, 20, 25, 30)julia> tupl = ((1,2),(3,4))((1, 2), (3, 4))julia> tupl[1](1, 2)julia> tupl[1][2]2We cannot change a tuple:julia> tupl[2]=0ERROR: MethodError: no method matching setindex!(::Tuple{Tuple{Int64,Int64},Tuple{Int64,Int64}}, ::Int64, ::Int64)Stacktrace: [1] top-level scope at REPL[7]:1
Named tuples
A named tuple is simply a combination of a tuple and a dictionary because −
A named tuple is ordered and immutable like a tuple and
Like a dictionary in named tuple, each element has a unique key which can be used to access it.
In next section, let us see how we can create named tuples −
Creating named tuples
You can create named tuples in Julia by −
Providing keys and values in separate tuples
Providing keys and values in a single tuple
Combining two existing named tuples
Keys and values in separate tuples
One way to create named tuples is by providing keys and values in separate tuples.
julia> names_shape = (:corner1, :corner2)(:corner1, :corner2)julia> values_shape = ((100, 100), (200, 200))((100, 100), (200, 200))julia> shape_item2 = NamedTuple{names_shape}(values_shape)(corner1 = (100, 100), corner2 = (200, 200))
We can access the elements by using dot(.) syntax −
julia> shape_item2.corner1(100, 100)julia> shape_item2.corner2(200, 200)
Keys and values in a single tuple
We can also create named tuples by providing keys and values in a single tuple.
julia> shape_item = (corner1 = (1, 1), corner2 = (-1, -1), center = (0, 0))(corner1 = (1, 1), corner2 = (-1, -1), center = (0, 0))
We can access the elements by using dot(.) syntax −
julia> shape_item.corner1(1, 1)julia> shape_item.corner2(-1, -1)julia>, 0)julia> (,shape_item.corner2)((0, 0), (-1, -1))
We can also access all the values as with ordinary tuples as follows −
julia> c1, c2, center = shape_item(corner1 = (1, 1), corner2 = (-1, -1), center = (0, 0))julia> c1(1, 1)
Combining two named tuples
Julia provides us a way to make new named tuples by combining two named tuples together as follows −
julia> colors_shape = (top = "red", bottom = "green")(top = "red", bottom = "green")julia> shape_item = (corner1 = (1, 1), corner2 = (-1, -1), center = (0, 0))(corner1 = (1, 1), corner2 = (-1, -1), center = (0, 0))julia> merge(shape_item, colors_shape)(corner1 = (1, 1), corner2 = (-1, -1), center = (0, 0), top = "red", bottom = "green")
Named tuples as keyword arguments
If you want to pass a group of keyword arguments to a function, named tuple is a convenient way to do so in Julia. Following is the example of a function that accepts three keyword arguments −
julia> function ABC(x, y, z; a=10, b=20, c=30) println("x = $x, y = $y, z = $z; a = $a, b = $b, c = $c") endABC (generic function with 1 method)
It is also possible to define a named tuple which contains the names as well values for one or more keywords as follows −
julia> options = (b = 200, c = 300)(b = 200, c = 300)
In order to pass the named tuples to the function we need to use; while calling the function −
julia> ABC(1, 2, 3; options...)x = 1, y = 2, z = 3; a = 10, b = 200, c = 300
The values and keyword can also be overridden by later function as follows −
julia> ABC(1, 2, 3; b = 1000_000, options...)x = 1, y = 2, z = 3; a = 10, b = 200, c = 300julia> ABC(1, 2, 3; options..., b= 1000_000)x = 1, y = 2, z = 3; a = 10, b = 1000000, c = 300